The basic programme, will be to build a body, beautiful in form, harmonious in posture, supple and agile in its movements, powerful in its activities and resistant in its health and organic function.
Physical culture occupies a very important place in the life of the Ashram and its Centre of Education. A rational and well-conducted programme that includes athletics, gymnastics, exercises, combative sports, aquatics and field games has been chalked out, and the students participate in these activities every evening.
Contests and tournaments are spread over the year. Individual attention is paid to each student and care is taken to foster an aspiration for a healthy body endowed with beauty, grace, strength and endurance, in the hope of moving towards the goal of physical perfection.
The aim of physical education here is not to produce champions or winning athletes, but to train the body and perfect it to become an instrument capable of manifesting on the physical plane a higher consciousness and force.
The Department of Physical Education has a four-lane cinder track, playing fields and courts for football, cricket, hockey, volleyball, basketball and tennis, a swimming pool, and gymnasiums for bodybuilding and gymnastics. There are also facilities for boxing, Indian wrestling, Judo and roller-skating.
Annual medical check-ups ensure that the students are fit to participate in activities. A separate dining hall, known as Corner House, caters to the growing bodies of the children by supplying healthy and wholesome food.
The Department maintains a separate library and regularly receives numerous magazines and periodicals pertaining to health and physical education.